
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pokemon Platinum Version

We had the settings in place recording is ready as well. The question is, where can i get the rom? the answer is very simple, browse my blog from the download section you will find the tools you need about this game. Easy but not enough to relate all audiences. I would say stay with mates, who are cool enough to ride this trip. I guess everyone's interest in emulators are fanatics with bots games before. It started from a mini devices gadgets anime series comics and actions in early 90's. This one is included so well take a quick look what to expect in advance so everyone's attention would pay enough around. We are also going to link some related articles describing the evolution of  GBA to NDS. I guess we'll speak to them, freely spread what's going on with the development and as we "Gamers" will approach it's way up to enjoy the trip of adventures so on. We are going to start with the evolution. The term "evolution" is best to describe when you hit a certain level of accomplishments in all aspects of beings. Evolve to newly and improve matters including your abilities to interacts communicate with senses with skills and power. According to Nintendo DS, the description of this device were base from the advance technology of screens and dimensions. To understand it fully we are going to simplify with Dual Screen (DS) - One screen produces a new dimensions of images characters clips etc. It is all base from graphics improvements. The other screen is aspired from  touch and go technology. They were combined to produce a great products of gaming entertainment not only for kids but for nerdschool like me :)) Unlike GBA it came from Gameboy -  a brick  like game gadgets evolved to GBC by putting a color in mario world then they came up with GBA with more improvements in graphic designs. Same story though not yet annoying.

3DS are the latest products of Nintendo so far. They are about to release a new updates of pokemon rumble visit here. Before we start to rumble with 3DS let's face the platinum make it stay run all night in alternatives and play the game. I am encouraging collectors as well as this is a good trace you could consider including reviews stories differences and lot more to publish soon. Okay, let's go with the download link were getting the rom up tonight. Stay tuned for more news! Cheerspreneur!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Pokemon Platinum Getting Started

Here we go everyone, the show must go on you must be waiting for this sitting in your favorite couch  relax in front of your computer or else browsing the web and came up with my niche. Well i say nerds mate let's rock and roll were gonna make this old school work  starts with Pokemon Platinum. The configuration is pretty simple we will be using 2.6 NDS and the beautiful Poke Platinum Version but before we get started i mentioned earlier the version of my NDS is not too perfect to survive this game in a day as I've said the most important button is not working properly so let's setup a virtualbox. In my case I preferred using apple computer so were gonna make this work straight up with my device and let the game begin. Virtualbox has the ability to save in a machine  state exactly how it is without interrupting your progress so in case you feel tired and discomfort you just need to press the close button and done, your alternative options will show. That's it, for that reason you may continue your journey whenever you wanted to - well it's best to do it in your free time i guess. Below are the sample scene using virtualbox.

NDS 2.6 in Virtualbox

NDS 2.6 in Virtualbox 

As you can see in my screenshot i tried saving the game through machine state. Setup your own virtualbox setup then run your favorite pokemon game. Take note the main objective of this setup is to make a way for saving button instead of using emulator.

NDS Emulator

NDS Emulator - A new formula , I'm quiet impress how these sheet works well.  I'm not a coder like everyone else but i found this useful and amaze with the exciting looks on the new dimensions of the game. You will see the improvements developer's did to make it happen in under circumstances it's free to use like you can go and debug while it's free now and cry later on. I found some glitch not to mention my experience with these versions of software. It suppose to write multiple files or save 10 slots but it doesn't work that way nevertheless it is still running the way it was built for. Just don't forget to keep your  PC turned on while you were in progress playing. Why? cause you're gonna start all and all over again every time you shut it down not unless you are keen to response to the game until it's finish. In other words save button doesn't work and you need to find a way to make it work. Again, I suggest to use a virtualbox running in windows environment and create a snapshot every time you try to rest or else you may end up annoyed when starting the game. Well I know someone did this and he finished the entire pokemon game in 24 hours and sleep 24 hours afterwards. Crazy isn't it? He has nothing to do but to be crazy with his favorite game. A pretty impressive move with craziness. Okay let's get back with this one - You may find the download links here same in my blog no other place but here no worries it can be loss. Pics are shown below as well. NDS version 2.6.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Visual Boy Advance

We had lot's of resources around the net where you can find the complete link of this tool  Visual Boy Advance Emulator. I personally got one by running around the web at night, it's not hard to find though. One of the usefulness I could say about this tool is the ability save multiple state in progress output as a file where you can save anywhere in your PC or external drive like USB  which makes it handy and easy to use or redo, undo stages. There are 10 slots you can use to save your progress (Fig. 1.1) you can place different part of the games or different users and let you explore other options moves to survive different strategies and actions. I am going to illustrate some of the features included in the game for you to understand what I mean. All list for downloads links are also available in this blog just keep browsing.

Download Visual Boy Emulator here - Launch the applications you were suppose to see the same window as shown below. Take note these are only applicable in windows environment, apple hasn't release it's own version of this games yet well lucky we've got a cost effective options. I saw some android devices using this game on their phone but careful of downloading as files through downloads are sometimes infected with viruses adware and malwares - This has been chronic around the web. I suggest you run a virtualbox with windows OS installed if you are using mac computers.

Figure 1.0 Visual Boy Advance

Unlike the older version of Gameboy, these has a more powerful effect. It has more details in colored clips covering a wide scope of subjects from land to sea where you could meet trainers with different styles characters craving for their passion to play as you walk in front of them you cannot exit without a win or lose at the end.

Figure 1.1 Multiple Slots for saving progress

It could be useful also in saving multiple rom one at a time. After you finish red version you could go with silver, fire, emerald or jump to saphire depends in your ability to multi task. Saving progress is much easier with FSS technique.  Well I guess all versions of these games had the same platform of aadventures where you can cut, fly and surf  all day but of course you must collect those skills before you can enjoy them. Anyway let's get these things working - I let you know where to find more games for this emulators in the download section very soon.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Walk Through Pokemon Crates

 Hello Welcome to my Pokemon planet where you can follow a walk through for a successful journey in wild Pokemon world. Here you may find tutorials tips and tricks to enhanced your knowledge and techniques configuring how to adapt and solidify your hobby in the world of emulations. Consider this as one of the best thing geniuses has ever made from the comfort of your personal computer you may play lots of stuff emulator can bring. Well honestly i am a big fan of these crazy ideas at the age of 28 i am still eager and curious whats behind these games are, we had the most in online gaming graphics things teams and more fun rather than playing nerd school games. When you see a sample of games followed from Youtube ,GB to GBA and now we had NDS the latest version of emulation where you could play in a more visual technology with upgrades clips together with the new effects designs. In the first glance oh it's for kids like running mother to play his/her Gameboy Advance and make a quick look what's going on in my progress well it's time to meet professor oak and the others at the pallet town where i first built my move through the world of endangered creatures like Pokemon. They are not actually endangered they are wild and aggressive like chickens when they're not ale to put a simple blow to their opponents mind. Let's take a look with the tools being used sincerely built to make this things happen. You don't need to bother on buying a new gadgets or latest ones. Just stay with me i will bring you through a simple and smart moves in your gaming life in a wild Pokemon journey. How cool was that? I guess it's coll enough, so it's like everyone should enjoy it like bring your Poke ball's in and catch your first virgin Pokemon's put in a trash or not. Well I guess dual base it's up to you when you want it or not. Let's catch your first legendary pokemons like zapdos meow 2 and many more we gotta catch em all.   We will get through all of it as we go so stay put with me browse my blog and I am hoping everyone's gonna find it useful. Any questions just leave a comment below - I will get back to you as soon as I can. Cheers! Preneur!